I frequently contribute features and articles for TV, radio and the printed media.  A selection of articles recently appearing in The Times, Guardian and Financial Times are reproduced below.

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Free the Body and Heal the Mind – The Alexander Technique in Psychotherapy

How the Alexander Technique helps to balance the mind and emotions through developing co-ordination and balance in the body THE TIMES 18 APRIL 2008

Click here to read the article.

First Person Profile

Naomi Shragai’s Jewish father survived Auschwitz, he was there at the birth of Israel, then emigrated to live the American dream.  So how did he end up dropping out and dressing up as Santa? THE GUARDIAN 15 DECEMBER 2007

Click here to read the article.

Is Your Diet Ruining Your Relationship?

How bulimia and other eating disorders make intimacy an impossibility THE TIMES 16 FEBRUARY 2008

Click here to read the article.

Lost in Man Space

How a love of logging on can damage your love life THE TIMES 28 JULY 2007

Click here to read the article.

Love Isn’t a Game for Two Halves

Stuff the FA Cup.  A psychotherapist knows what the score is in her relationship THE TIMES 12 MAY 2007

Click here to read article.

When the Magic of Motherhood is Missing

How the infant/mother relationship has lasting effects on the child’s development. FINANCIAL TIMES 01 MARCH 2008

Click here to read article.

Copyright Naomi Shragai 2013

Fusion and Confusion
Naomi discussed what she has learned from ‘marrying out’ – and what we all could – on a recent Radio 4 Fourthought Programme.

Originally broadcast on Wednesday 2 March at 8.45pm on BBC Radio 4.  

Fathers Struggling to ‘Have It All’

The challenges facing men in juggling the demands of work and family. FINANCIAL TIMES 15 APRIL 2013

Click here to read the article.

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